A New Page is Turning

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My cousin Sara has two sweet little girls, and it has been nine months since I have seen them. They visited this morning, and I had been saving a "Midge's Wedding" doll set and a vintage cardboard Barbie Dream House for them, and it was soul-soothing to see their wide eyes as we opened that box and started to play. The excitement, the wonder, and the play.

"And one day in the future, you will be so grateful that you chose to make the most of moments like this."

I am so grateful that I chose to make the most of a year like this.

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That's what I am celebrating here with you. There are wonderful, painful, powerful, glorious, life-changing things that have happened in our stories thus far. Some people have come in and out of it, some who have stayed. There have been settings and scenes you dearly miss and wish you could blink hard enough to return to for just a moment. 

And now we are here, on the cusp of a new year. And how beautiful it is to realize that through it all, we are preparing ourselves for a year to come that will be full of meaningful things that will come to life, beautifully and purposefully in their time. 

A new page is turning.

Hope is slowly rising.

Through all that is unknown,

the joy of beginning again,

is here. (Morgan Harper Nichols)

Thank you for everything this year, and cheers to whatever comes next. I am excited to share it alongside you and especially, gathering new shimmering memories along the way. 

With Great Belief in You,


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